New posts in extremal-combinatorics

Number of unique pairings of k values.

maximum size of a $k$-intersecting family of $[n]$

Sperner's theorem on antichains - where does it come from?

Maximum area of triangle inside a convex polygon

An invisible ghost jumping on a regular hexagon

Maximum distance between points in a triangle

For a graph $G$, why should one expect the ratio $\text{ex} (n;G)/ \binom n2$ to converge?

Riordan numbers recurrence

How many non-isomorphic ways a convex polygon with $n + 2$ sides can be cut into triangles?

Maximum odd number of subsets, each intersects exactly half of the others

Minimum Cake Cutting for a Party

If any triangle has area at most 1 , points can be covered by a rectangle of area 2.

Minimum number of balanced partitions

Domination problem with sets

Hypercube and Hyperspheres

Minimum number of integer-sided squares needed to tile an $m$ by $n$ rectangle.

A Knight and Knave Problem

Number of steps the path-avoiding snail must take before a step size of $(2n - 1)/2^k$?

We have $n$ charged and $n$ uncharged batteries and a radio which needs two charged batteries to work.

A conference uses $4$ main languages. Prove that there is a language that at least $\dfrac{3}{5}$ of the delegates know.