New posts in exfat

Folder name containing ".." on ExFAT: How to rename it? Invisible to ls/mv/Finder but visible to tar/bash

chmod'ing file on exFAT

Which file system to use for a large (1 TB) external hard drive?

Can I install Ubuntu on an exFAT hard drive?

Permission problems with applications writing on/accessing exFat formatted USB Stick

ExFAT thumb drive not recognized in Mac OS Big Sur

Script to mount exfat drive

How to open exFAT SSD in Ubuntu 12.04?

UEFI exFAT partition?

Mounting exfat drive as read/write

Why USB stick formatted with exFAT on Windows is not mounting on Mac OS High Sierra?

Convert NTFS volume to exFAT (without losing contents)

GUI tool for formating to exFAT

How to convert exFAT to FAT32?

Unable to mount my external exfat disk [duplicate]

Why is exFAT so slow on Mac?

Is there a simple way to add exFAT support? [duplicate]

Is it best to reformat the hard drive to exFAT using 512kb chunk, or smaller or bigger chunks?

Which Name Is Correct, exFAT or FAT64?

ext4 vs EXFAT: Storage size difference