New posts in environment-variables

Docker get a list of possible environment variables

Can a process run regardless of any shell?

Who sets the BROWSER environment variable in macOS?

how to export a fastlane env to the main shell environment?

define ant property from environment with default value

Bash doesn't expand variables when pressing Tab key

how to revert changes on /etc/environment, which prevent a login

Log in loop following environment change

Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable won't find variable value

How to write a bash script to set global environment variable?

What is the all_proxy environment variable used for?

Is there a good reason not to add sbin to the default PATH?

How to set CATALINA_HOME variable in windows 7?

Is there a way to reload environment variables in emacs?

Is it possible to remove the $ from an environment variable? No version information available

How do I install the Instant Messaging application IP Messenger?

Why isn't DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH being propagated here?

Intel drivers add a lot of entries to my PATH, what can I delete?

How to set environment variables on Windows 8 [duplicate]