New posts in environment-variables

Escape space character in pathfile?

Will a Local System service notice changes to environment variables in Windows 2008 R2 without a reboot?

Use an environment variable to point to an "Open With" program

Temporarily set ENV variable for just one shell command?

Why cmder does not import the user path variables?

Windows restart after Env. Var. change?

How to add a path to PATH variable in linux alpine for the entire machine?

How to Verify JAVA_HOME path

Why doesn't environment variable get updated in cmd without restart?

Python throws KeyError when exporting environment variables

Running PHP works in Command Prompt but not Git Bash

Setting 'EDITOR' or 'BUNDLER_EDITOR' environment variable

Why is /usr/local/games after /usr/games in the default PATH?

Add android-studio/bin/ to PATH environmental variable

Setting environment variable for a different user in windows

Ubuntu adding path/Environment variables

How do I set an environmental variable with a dot?

"The system cannot find the file C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath\java.exe"

Toggle between multiple .env files like .env.development with node.js

cannot unset env variables from script