New posts in environment-variables

Cannot set $GOPATH on Mac OSX

Global vs User Windows Environment Variables

What determines the return value of Path.GetTempPath()?

Why does my LD_LIBRARY_PATH get unset launching terminal?

Can envsubst be used to replace environment variables in a given variable, not file?

How do I set $TERM permanently in fish shell?

What the different between SRCROOT and PROJECT_DIR?

Finding an exe from any hard drive and setting it as a variable

Why is g++ not taking in my c++, header and lib files [duplicate]

Environment variable not being picked up by app when started with Upstart (Ubuntu)

LINES and COLUMNS environmental variables lost in a script

When setting environment variables in Apache RewriteRule directives, what causes the variable name to be prefixed with "REDIRECT_"?

ssh configuration file environment variable?

Why do I have to `source .profile` in every terminal I open?

How to set up environment variable properly?

Correcting path setting in ~/.profile file

Configure php-fpm to access environment variables in docker

Cron job running a Django Python command through a virtual environment not working

Getting environment variables in PHP-FPM with Nginx

Assigning only part of a string to a variable in bash