New posts in elementary-functions

Rational function approximation to square root

What does this theorem of continuity of elementary function means?

When is ${\large\int}\frac{dx}{\left(1+x^a\right)^a}$ an elementary function?

What kind of functions cannot be described by the Taylor series? Why is this?

What is a good way to explain why the graph of polynomials do not exhibit ripples, even in an arbitrarily small interval?

A closed form for $\int_0^\infty\frac{\sin(x)\ \operatorname{erfi}\left(\sqrt{x}\right)\ e^{-x\sqrt{2}}}{x}dx$

How can one prove the impossibility of writing $ \int e^{x^{2}} \, \mathrm{d}{x} $ in terms of elementary functions?

Algebraic numbers that cannot be expressed using integers and elementary functions

Fastest way to calculate $e^x$ up to arbitrary number of decimals?

Is there an elementary expression for every real sequence?

Treatise on non-elementary integrable functions

List of functions not integrable in elementary terms

Approximating the error function erf by analytical functions

Why do all elementary functions have an elementary derivative?

Why can't we define more elementary functions?

What are Different Approaches to Introduce the Elementary Functions?

Nice expression for minimum of three variables?

Integrals of $\sqrt{x+\sqrt{\phantom|\dots+\sqrt{x+1}}}$ in elementary functions

What makes elementary functions elementary?

Generalization of Liouville's theorem