New posts in ecryptfs

Upgrading Ubuntu with encrypted $HOME

SSH public key login fails without pattern

Dropbox Ext4 - ecryptfs

use ecryptfs for Ubuntu One with an already encrypted home directory

Where are decrypted files stored during runtime?

ecryptfs-recover-private mounts wrong filesystem

Setting correct size for "cryptsetup: WARNING: Option 'size' missing in crypttab for plain dm-crypt mapping root" message

How to retrive encryption passpharase?

Recovering from a move of /home when it's encrypted (ecryptfs)

Resize swap partition on Ubuntu 20.04 using encrypted LVM

rsync giving "file name too long" errors with ecryptfs

Mount ecryptfs volume on Windows

Is my encrypted home folder open to other users when I am logged in?

eCryptfs encrypted home - explanation

Merge LUKS-partition with partition on another HDD

Why encrypted $HOME files showing to root, how to make it hidden again?

Recover encrypted data after reinstall

“sudo ecryptfs-recover-private” gives “find: ‘/run/user/1000/gvfs’: Permission denied” after botched (?) upgrade

ecrytfs - purpose of Private.sig and Private.mnt?

eCryptFS: How to mount a backup of an encrypted home dir?