New posts in dock

Mac Launchpad icon jumps up

How to remove date from dock tile?

OSX: Add Dock icon for dedicated Terminal command

How to I get window drop functionality on Mac OS X?

What is the ellipsis badge on minimized terminal app in the dock mean?

Change the OS X Dock background

OS X Mavericks - Have to pull mouse down on full-screen app to see dock

Struggling to troubleshoot permanently crashing Dock, Mission Control, Launchbar

Stop app from showing multiple icons in Dock

How do I change an Application Icon in the Applications Folder?

How can I hide/show the Ubuntu dock with a keyboard shortcut?

What's the difference between dash and dock?

Replace Docky's Icon by Ubuntu Icon

Ubuntu 17.10, open last used window from group, when clicked in Dock

macOS Mojave dual monitor seperate spaces force dock on one screen

Better Way To Show Running Applications in OS X Lion

Disable Discord dock badge

Changing The Dock's Appearance From 3D to 2D?

How to lock the size of the Dock?

Restrict macOS from automatically enabling "Keep in Dock" after rearranging Dock icon