New posts in dock

Alternative to additemtodock from Henri Shustak

Some Applications stay in Dock after closing

Thunderbolt 2 Dock - Display stops working after waking from sleep

Move Dock to another screen edge when unplugging monitor

Thunderbolt to HDMI (Not DisplayPort to HDMI)

Clicking on Activity Monitor's Dock icon won't maximize the window

How to correctly launch a python application in the Mac OS X dock?

How can you replace macOS's bouncing dock icon animation?

Dock doesn’t appear in my Macbook Pro 2015

Hack to hide TeamViewer dock icon, issue with restarting app

How can I hide an app from the dock while keeping it in the menu bar?

Finder does not launch from Dock unless I click on the icon and New Finder Window

Spaces makes dialogs disappear

How do I stay in the same desktop when I switch to a full screen app?

How to conveniently restart pgAdmin 4?

Remove HDD icon from dock in 20.04 [duplicate]

Minimising App Windows Into their Respective Icons On The Dock To Create Less Clutter?

How to 'Open With' in downloads dock flyout

Dragging file at the Dock creates a copy of a file?

How to keep the dock on top of all windows? (I don't want windows to be smaller because of Dock) [duplicate]