Dragging file at the Dock creates a copy of a file?

When I drag and drop a file from Finder to Dock, it creates a copy of the file somewhere? I would like to create some type of link as I know from Windows. Until now I created a link (context menu -> Create a link) and used a this link instead of using original file. What procedure is correct?

You can see that two of these three icons are a links and one is original file.

Dragging a file/folder into the Dock just creates a reference there, it does not duplicate the file/folder. In your case you can omit the "create a link" step.

The reference to said object is stored in the $HOME/Library/Preferences/com.apple.dock.plist file under the persistent-others key as a Dictionary labeled Item N where N is the next available number starting from 0. Among the information stored about the object is its pathname so the object can be opened when its Dock Tile is clicked.
