New posts in dock

Is there a way to keep an icon of each window separately on mac dock?

How to create a .app folder from an executable .jar?

How to add Eclipse to Favorites?

How can I get more items in pop-up list of recent projects of Dock icon in VSCode?

How to restore Dock Icon Badges after killall Dock?

Creating A Stack That Shows Recently Used Applications etc In The Dock?

How to add e.g. Chrome permanently to Guest account's dock?

Is there a macOS Big Sur dock icon mockup or generator to get custom rounded icons?

Prevent application from displaying badge icon in Dock

Permanently remove icons from Dock

Remove the Anchor icon in Docky

Mountain Lion sometimes hangs when mouse enters Dock – pointer is movable, but the MacBook Air seems otherwise frozen

Dual external display flickering issues with CalDigit USB-C HDMI Dock and MacBook Pro 2017

Firefox icon remains in the Dock after quitting

How do I see the dock in a fullscreen window in OS X?

Executing Shell Scripts from the OS X Dock?

Unknown "Icon?" file in Dropbox Stack

Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS issue with Dell Thunderbolt 3 Dock after update [duplicate]

Can you customize dock icons and labels?

How to pin a URL to OS X Dock with a custom image?