Is there a way to keep an icon of each window separately on mac dock?

Is there a way (a software perhaps, a free software perhaps), that will allow me to keep several (the same) icons on mac dock instead of grouping all windows of one app into one icon?

For example I usually open many windows of Chrome and to operate between them I need to right-click on the chrome icon on my dock then select the window I want to pull up. I want to have as many chrome icons in dock as separate chrome windows are open.

I'm struggling with this issue from months, please help!

Solution 1:

I am currently using a software called uBar. It's a sort of Windows-type bar on the bottom, where every each of windows is kept as a separate icon. Here is the link to the actual software: uBar and here is the link to the screenshot: screenshot. uBar has many options, but I really like dock and I would like to stick with it and get rid of uBar.

Solution 2:

What you can is minimize each window and the will show up in the right side of the doc then you click on the instance there or you can use exposé by default the shortcut is option + arrow down at the same time which will split out all the windows so you can choose which one you want. You can also use exposé on conjunction with minimizing the windows

Solution 3:

Two options - neither perfect, but using no additional software…

  1. Use Cmd ⌘ ~ & Cmd ⌘ Shift ⇧ ~ to cycle through open windows in an app.

  2. Manually lift each open window to its own Space - hold the title bar & use the Ctrl ⌃ number to set which Space [will need setting up each time you use this method, it won't stick] then use Ctrl ⌃ number to go directly to each Space
    Key Commands for Spaces need to be set up first - System Prefs > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Mission Control
    Each time you add a Space, the key command appears for it - 'Switch to Desktop n' - but must be manually switched on, at first use.
    & yes, I really do wish they'd stop referring to Spaces as Desktops

Personally, I use the Spaces option all the time. I have 2 monitors & 6 spaces, so 12 'desktops' lets me put pretty much everything in a space of its own, with single key switching.