How can I disable the low disk space warning on a single drive in Windows 8?

Id like to disable the low disk space warning, ideally for a single drive in Windows 8.

My gut feeling is that is it will be an all or nothing change.

Any ideas?

Solution 1:

The documented method of disabling the low disk-space warning is described in this KB article:

  1. Start > Run > Regedit > OK
  2. Now navigate to the following location HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
  3. Right Click on the blank area of the right pane of the registry editor and create a new DWORD Value by selecting New > DWORD Value.
  4. Name this newly created DWORD Value -"NoLowDiskSpaceChecks"
  5. Now double-click on the new DWORD and assign it the value 1.
  6. Close the registry editor and restart the system.

This is a per-user setting and cannot be set on disk-by-disk basis.

The way that Windows 7 and earlier chose whether or not to display this warning for a drive is described by Raymond Chen here, however it might be different for Windows 8.

Solution 2:

You can disable the low disk space notification for all users of the computer as follows:

  1. Run regedit to open Registry Editor
  2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
  3. Create a new DWORD value named NoLowDiskSpaceChecks and set its data to 1

Tested on Windows 7 and Server 2008/R2

Solution 3:

I tried all the above suggestions and only one worked. The drive that is always popping up the low disk space message is the same drive I have my swap file on.

What Finally worked for my windows 7 enterprise it to set the swap file to a fixed length at about 300 MB less than the total space of the drive. Windows starts complaining about low disk space when 200 MB or less remain.

I hope this helps some one.

One thing to note is low disk space can suspend System Restore on that disk. If any disk is suspended, System Restore is suspended on all disks. So no System Restore points will be created. see for more information

Solution 4:

I ran into the problem on a drive I set up for Window's page file (so it would not be included in a system backup). I tried to use the as much of the drive as I could; but I started getting the errors. My solution was simply to reduce the size of the allocated page file by 200MB. Not that big a deal relative to the full 6GB of the drive.