New posts in dnsmasq

Configure NetworkManager's dnsmasq to use /etc/hosts

DNS not working after upgrade 17.04 to 17.10

How can I set up local wildcard ( domain resolution on 18.04..20.04?

How to serve custom dns to dhcp clients in openWrt? [closed]

Find out which DNS server answered your query

How can I disable the DNS that Network Manager uses?

How can I set up a 'local' domain so that everyone on my local network can view a locally hosted site?

Disable dhcp service in dnsmasq

Route complete TLD (*.dev for example) to

How to configure a static wildcard subdomain with dnsmasq

Docker cannot resolve DNS on private network

dnsmasq: failed to create listening socket for port 53: Address already in use

How can I tell which DNS servers DNSMasq is using?

How do I restart dnsmasq?

How to Add dnsmasq and keep systemd-resolved (18.04 to 20.04)

DNS lookup aliasing of hostnames (not IP aliases), probably via dnsmasq

How to disable systemd-resolved and resolve DNS with dnsmasq?

How to enforce dnsmasq to use an upstream dns server only for some specified domain names?

How can I override TTL of an Internet Address?