How to configure a static wildcard subdomain with dnsmasq

I have a network behind a NAT with a few machines.

The machines are:

  • router - NAT, dnsmasq, forwarding - directly connected to the inet
  • server - which runs ssh, www and some other stuff
  • clients - which do stuff on server

I also have is pointing to my connection's IP (single IP), which is the router, which forwards ports to server.

Server, has a httpd running, which serves different sites based on vhosts.
So I have, site2..

The problem is that all the traffic is going thru the router, and when I check logs I always see the router's IP for everything (so it's hard to see who is running the script with the while(1)).

I would just ServerAlias site1.server.local, but most of the sites have a root URL saved somewhere on top of which other URLs are built, so I can't do that.

The solution for me would be telling dnsmasq somehow to answer to * with server's IP.

Is this possible somehow?

Solution 1:

I do the exact same thing on my dev server(s) so that I can have an rsynced mirror locally and on the off-site server with identical configs.

Here's what you need in your dnsmasq.conf (make sure you restart it) assuming your webserver's internal interface is


This will create a wildcard entry for * and as long as your client's are using DNSMasq for their DNS (and your server listens in the internal interface), you're set.