Adding quotes to a string in VBScript

You can escape by doubling the quotes

g="abcd """ & a & """"

or write an explicit chr() call

g="abcd " & chr(34) & a & chr(34)

You have to use double double quotes to escape the double quotes (lol):

g = "abcd """ & a & """"

I usually do this:

Const Q = """"

Dim a, g
a = "xyz"  
g = "abcd " & Q & a & Q

If you need to wrap strings in quotes more often in your code and find the above approach noisy or unreadable, you can also wrap it in a function:

a = "xyz"  
g = "abcd " & Q(a)

Function Q(s)
  Q = """" & s & """"
End Function

The traditional way to specify quotes is to use Chr(34). This is error resistant and is not an abomination.

Chr(34) & "string" & Chr(34)