JavaScript Document.Write Replaces All Body Content When Using AJAX

Solution 1:

You can't use document.write once the document has completed loading. If you do, the browser will open a new document that replaces the current.

Use the innerHTML property to put HTML code inside an element:

function gen_output(ad_content){
  document.getElementById('mb_ad').innerHTML = ad_content;

Put the element before the script, so that you are sure that it exists when the callback function is called:

i am text before
<div id="mb_ad"></div>
i am text after
<script type="text/javascript" src="mb.js"></script>

It doesn't matter much where you place the script, as nothing will be written to the document where it is.

Solution 2:

in case you cant control the remote script you might be able to write something like so:

var tmp = document.write;

document.write = function () {
  document.getElementById('someId').innerHTML = [].concat.apply([], arguments).join('');
<script .....>
document.write = tmp;

Well it is a nasty hack but it seems to work...

Solution 3:

var div = document.createElement('div'); = 'mb_ad';
div.innerHTML = ad_content;

Now, you can append this node wherever you want it to be.