New posts in dnsmasq

dnsmasq : failed to create listening socket for port 53: Address already in use

DNS sometimes works, but it is very slow.

How to resolve all .dev domains to localhost on Windows

How to understand dnsmasq logs?

Resolving Domain Name to Private IP AND Public IP Simultaneously [closed]

Dnsmasq unable to access log file

Access libvirt+KVM virtual machines with DNS

How to disable dnsmasq cache [closed]

Ubuntu 18.04: Disable dnsmasq-base and enable full dnsmasq

Bind dnsmasq DNS to just localhost (

DD-WRT serving additional DNS servers instead of just the router’s IP

How do I enable DNS caching in the NetworkManager-controlled dnsmasq?

resolv.conf keeps getting overwritten when dnsmasq is restarted, breaking dnsmasq

Does dnsmasq honor no-resolv when resolv-file is specified?

Resolve DNS for a docker container with dnsmasq

Configuring the dnsmasq instance started by connection sharing in NetworkManager

Is it possible to override a single domain name using dnsmasq?

Chrome and Firefox can not resolve the same host name, dig can

Get dnsmasq to automatically register hostnames in its DHCP network on its DNS

dnsmasq without altering /etc/hosts file manually