How to resolve all .dev domains to localhost on Windows

Do you have a .dev zone in DNS already? You can create a wildcard entry where *.dev goes to the loopback.

Alternative: get your devs to just append, which is a public DNS zone that already exists (with a * A record) for this purpose.

I have resolved this situation using Acrylic DNS Proxy. It's a free, open-source software for Windows that allows you to wildcard a folder as local top domain registry.

  1. Download Acrylic DNS Proxy here:
  2. Configure your Network settings to point to your local IP address as explained here:
  3. Open your Acrylic config file here: Start > Programs > Acrylic DNS Proxy > Edit Custom Hosts File (AcrylicHosts.txt)
  4. Add your wildcarded top level domain like this: *.dev
  5. Restart Acrylic like this: Start > Programs > Acrylic DNS Proxy > Restart Acrylic Service
  6. Add the wildcard to your Apache config file. It may look similar to this:

It may look similar to this:

LoadModule vhost_alias_module modules/  

NameVirtualHost *.dev:80  

<Directory "/www/sites">  
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes ExecCGI  
    AllowOverride All  
    Order allow,deny  
    Allow from all  

 <VirtualHost *.dev:80>  
     VirtualDocumentRoot c:/www/sites/%-1/%-2+/  

That should do the trick.

I can recommend - all subdomains resolve to