CentOS 7 Minimal Install doesn't comes with networks scripts? Which version to use then? [closed]

I'm installing CentOS 7 as virtual machine but I'm having some problems related to network. As image shows I select Minimal Install for later add trough YUM any packages I want as for example: PHP, Nginx, MySQL and so on since this will be a web development enviroment. After the installation, and having the network configured on Vmware Workstation as second image shows, when I logging I can't start network also I can't access to setup or something else, so, what I'm missing? Which version of all is the right to install? And of course the most clean installation without extras

enter image description hereenter image description here

Figured out how to get network up, now can't install any groups

Finally and after take a closer look at /etc/sysconfig/networks-scripts I found that my network isn't called eth0 as always instead CentOS generate a ugly name, in this case how I can change that name for eth0?

Now as second point I tried this commands:

yum groupinstall "System Management"
yum groupinstall "System Administration Tools"

And in both cases I get this message:

Warning: Group system-management/system-administration-tools does not have any packages to install Maybe run: yum groups mark install (see man yum) No packages in any requested group available for install or update

And I get lost since I'm trying to install tools like setup and so others, what I miss on this? Is the command right? Do I need to enable something in somewhere?

You can use

nmcli & nmtui

If you are using "minimal installation" then all other rpm for web development you need to install separately.

For status of your nic /ip as follow

ip a sh

This is how all servers should be setup. Absolutely bare bones and then add only the services/applications that define its role.