Where to safely store source code?

Our company already uses version control, and is already doing daily's backups.

However, it is my boss's concern to keep the source code somewhere "safe enough" in case of multi-robbery or some natural disaster, ecc..

I tried searching google for something, and I guess the best solution would be some online backup service.

Did you have to face a similar problem before? How did you solve it?
If possible, can you reference a good service that solved your problem?

UPDATE: we currently backup on 2 dvds. One is kept in my boss's house and one is stored inside the company building.

Solution 1:

Offsite is good, but if it's pushed via network then it's not enough. Imagine someone breaking into your main server, which contains credentials to your off-site backup server. Ta-da, all your data - including backups - is on the mercy of the cracker.

Physical backups on DVDs stored off-site is way safer than any of these cloud hacks, IMHO. Possibly you could combine these to get the best of both worlds... but then, one good backup scheme is better than two faulty ones.

Solution 2:

Backup your source code to Amazon S3, that would be safe, and it's offsite backup! Meaning even if your office went down in flames, you could still retrieve your source code

Solution 3:

You just need an offsite storage location.

If you're using distributed version control (eg Git), you can simply set up a remote repository and push to it once a day. Many companies offer this service.

If you're using something like Subversion I'd recommend copying the repository to a remote location probably once a day. Even a shared hosting account will do (although VPS preferred). If you do this password-protect the backup but make sure a bunch of people know the password.

Some will also go so far as to put the repository on an external drive that is taken with them off-site. Considering you can now fit 8-16+ GB on a keyring, there's not much argument against doing this.

The chances of your office and an external host blowing up at the same time are fairly remote.

Solution 4:

I'm using rsync.net, accessible via SSH/HTTPS. They provide encrypted storage (not the default option though).

Local banks (in Ireland) provide a secure storage service. Would be worth investigating that route for the DVD being stored at the boss's house.

Solution 5:

Just don't do what CodingHorror did, and store all the backups of a virtual image on the same hard drive as the virtual image. And especially don't trust your backup procedure to a bloke called Geoff driving in occasionally to where the data center was to change a USB drive ...