Does dnsmasq honor no-resolv when resolv-file is specified?

Solution 1:

Will dnsmasq agree to ignore resolv-file in this case?

Checking dnsmasq 2.76 source,

if (daemon->port != 0 && option_bool(OPT_NO_RESOLV))
      if (daemon->resolv_files && !daemon->resolv_files->is_default)
    my_syslog(LOG_WARNING, _("warning: ignoring resolv-file flag because no-resolv is set"));
      daemon->resolv_files = NULL;

dnsmasq will check if OPT_NO_RESOLV (no-resolv option) is enabled. If so, and resolv_file is set and not its default value, it'll set resolv_file to NULL and emit a warning.

So, yeah, dnsmasq will ignore resolv-file if no-resolv is set.