New posts in divisibility

Is there an Integral domain that is a GCD domain but NOT a UFD? [duplicate]

Prove that neither $A$ nor $B$ is divisible by $5$

Is an arbitrary number of the form xyzxyz divisible by 7, 11, 13?

Show that any two consecutive odd integers are relatively prime

What is the density of squarefree numbers in $p+n$ for prime $p$ and natural $n$?

Divisibility of prime numbers

Let $a\mid c$ and $b\mid c$ such that $\gcd(a,b)=1$, Show that $ab\mid c$

$\textit{Why}$ the cases in 4 $\nmid n^2 - 3?$ (bases cases in modular induction)

If $f$ divides $g$ in $S[x]$, show that $f$ divides $g$ in $R[x]$ for $R$ a sub-ring of $S$.

Are the polynomial remainder and factor theorems equivalent?

If $(a,b) = 1$ then $a,b|n \implies ab|n$

For natural numbers $a$ and $b$, show that $a \Bbb Z + b \Bbb Z = \gcd(a, b)\Bbb Z $ [duplicate]

$(a^{n},b^{n})=(a,b)^{n}$ and $[a^{n},b^{n}]=[a,b]^{n}$?

Divisibility by $9$

Is the smallest non-1 divisor of a number always prime?

Find all the natural numbers between $1 \leq a \leq 1000$ which fulfill $a^{11764} \equiv a^4\pmod{25725}$ [duplicate]

Is $\sum_{k=1}^{n} k^k / \sum_{k=1}^{n} k \in \mathbb{N}$ for some $n > 1$?

$a^n-a + 1 $ divisible by $n$

Is every prime is the largest prime factor in some prime gap?

show that if $a | c$ and $b | c$, then $ab | c$ when $a$ is coprime to $b$.