New posts in determinant

Determinants of matrices defined by the minimum/maximum indices of their entries

If GCD $(a_1,\ldots, a_n)=1$ then there's a matrix in $SL_n(\mathbb{Z})$ with first row $(a_1,\ldots, a_n)$

Determinant inequality $ \det(A^2+B^2+(A-B)^2)\ge 3\det(AB-BA) $

$\det(I+A) = 1 + tr(A) + \det(A)$ for $n=2$ and for $n>2$?

Is $\det(AB) =\det(BA)$ [closed]

Scalar triple product - why equivalent to determinant?

What is the physical significance of the determinants of orthogonal matrices having the value of $\pm 1$?

$A \in M_3(\mathbb Z)$ be such that $\det(A)=1$ ; then what is the maximum possible number of entries of $A$ that are even ?

Converting matrices to upper triangle matrices without changing their determinant

Show that a 2x2 matrix A is symmetric positive definite if and only if A is symmetric, trace(A) > 0 and det(A) > 0

Maximum determinant of Latin squares

Why I should believe that the derivative of the determinant is the trace

Determinant of nxn almost diagonal matrix [duplicate]

Let $A$, $B$ be square matrices of order $2$ such that $|I_2 + AB| = 0$. Prove that $|I_2 + BA| = 0$.

Why non-trivial solution only if determinant is zero

Find the determinant of $A$ satisfying $A^{-1}=I-2A.$

Understanding the Leibniz formula for determinants

Generate a $5 × 5$ matrix such that the each entry is an integer between $1$ and $9$, inclusive, and whose determinant is divisible by $271$.

Sign of determinant when using $det A^\top A$

Let $P$ be an odd prime number and $T_p$ be the following set of $2 × 2$ matrices, find following