New posts in determinant

Second Derivative of a Determinant

Degree of minimum polynomial at most $n$ without Cayley-Hamilton?

Are there simple methods for calculating the determinant of symmetric matrices?

Why do determinants have their particular form?

What is the fastest way to find the characteristic polynomial of a matrix?

Formulas for the (top) coefficients of the characteristic polynomial of a matrix

What is the number of $n \times n$ binary matrices $A$ such that $\det(A) = \text{perm}(A)$?

Help deriving that $\mathrm{sign} : S_n\to \{\pm 1\}$ is multiplicative

Shortcut to find the cube and square of a square matrix?

Determinant of a finite-dimensional matrix in terms of trace

Prove the determinant is $0$

Cat quiz (to solve with the determinant)

The trace-determinant plane, classification of equilibria of differential equations

If $A$ and $B$ are linear transformations on a finite-dimensional inner product space, and if $\textbf{0} \leq A \leq B$, then det $A \leq$ det $B$.

Any neat way to calculate this Vandermonde-like determinant?

Proof that an involutory matrix has eigenvalues 1,-1

Justify, without evaluating, that the determinant of the following matrix is zero

When A and B are of different order given the $\det(AB)$,then calculate $\det(BA)$

Prove positive definiteness

Value of Vandermonde type determinant