New posts in desktop-environments

Why is Kubuntu using much more CPU than Windows in YouTube and other web browsing use?

Screen tearing in Xubuntu, no problem with Ubuntu

lightweight window manager/desktop environment similar to Unity

Unity shows wrong distribution name

Will I have problems installing multiple desktop environments?

Is it possible to put a GUI to more than just TTY7?

Ubuntu boots on terminal only, how do I recover the GUI desktop?

list all installed desktop Environments in Ubuntu

Ubuntu 20.04 Desktop Disappeared

Can I remove Unity now and how?

Wallpaper is not changing and right click does not work on desktop in Ubuntu 14.04

How many Ubuntu users are there worldwide ?

How to safely try KDE?

Upgraded to Ubuntu 18.04, but I still have old UI

Why is Unity a "slow" desktop environment?

Using multiple desktop environments

What is the difference between Ubuntu+XFCE and Xubuntu?

Completely Remove LXDE/Lubuntu Desktop Environment

Is there an active Unity 7 fork?

How can I remove Gnome Desktop Environment without messing Unity DE? (Ubuntu 16.04)