New posts in desktop-environments

Resize four windows to occupy the screen without overlap on Ubuntu 18.04

Why are desktop folders suddenly showing file dates?

How can I make Ubuntu/GNOME look better i.e more smaller and compact?

Ubuntu 16.04 unity desktop environment doesn't load after fresh install

Make Ubuntu 18.04 lighter?

Prevent screensaver starting when an application runs fullscreen

how to set default session in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS?

How to change to other desktop environment on VNC sessions?

What is the difference between GNOME, KDE, Xfce and LXDE?

Is Cinnamon a desktop environment or a window manager? (Or both?)

Audio stopped working suddenly in 12.04

Switch between desktop environments instantly within the running desktop session

How to run multiple X desktops?

How do I determine which is the current user's DE through CLI within SSH or Cron? [duplicate]

Ubuntu: Xfce or Lxde? [duplicate]

How to check using the command line which display manager is running?

How to recover graphical UI after accidently uninstalling

network bridge - without destroying network manager

Known incompatibilities/conflicts when installing multiple specific desktop environments

What are the advantages of official flavours of Ubuntu [closed]