New posts in definition

What is the meaning of the symbol "$\left|\underline{\;n\;}\right.$" for integer $n$?

Is every axiom in the definition of a vector space necessary?

Can a function be increasing *at a point*?

why do we use 'non-increasing' instead of decreasing?

Is there such thing as a "3-dimensional surface"?

What is an algebraic variety?

Two definitions of $\limsup$

What is a loop invariant?

Why does the Dedekind Cut work well enough to define the Reals?

Still struggling to understand vacuous truths

Why does the definition of limits of a function have strict inequality?

What is a "thread" (really)?

What is Weak Head Normal Form?

Are {$a {\cdot} b\ \ |\ \ a \in A, b \in B$} and {$a {\cdot} b\ \ |\ \ (a, b) \in A \times B$} the same thing?

C++: Does using dereference to change value of a variable result in that variable pointing to a different memory block?

What is limit superior and limit inferior?

What would happen if we just made vacuous truths false instead?

How do I interpret the specification of memory (RAM)?

In arbitrary commutative rings, what is the accepted definition of "associates"?

What is a web service endpoint?