New posts in definition

What does using "Euclidean" before anything mean in Mathematics? [closed]

Is the zero ring a domain?

Definition of an $n$-tuple agreeing with the Kuratowski's definition of an ordered pair

What is this strange function definition syntax in C? [duplicate]

Why, logically, is proof by contradiction valid?

$\to$ vs. $\vdash$ in logic

Examples of Free Lie Algebra

Is a function defined at a single point continuous?

Is the empty set linearly independent or linearly dependent?

What are examples of vectors that are not usually called vectors?

To whom do we owe this construction of angles and trigonometry?

Definition $f(x)$ diverges to negative infinity for $x \to a$

Is $0$ an imaginary number?

Projective Normality

What exactly do "IB" and "UB" mean?

What is the definition of a definition?

What is the Difference between Variance and MSE?

Is a characteristic polynomial we consider in Linear Algebra a polynomial or a polynomial function?

What is the definition of "interface" in object oriented programming

what is total order - explanation please