New posts in debian

How to recreate /etc/cron.daily/apt?

Cannot remove mount option "discard" on an ext4 file system

Why is IPv6 disabled upon reboot even after configuring sysctl.conf?

VBoxManage unattended installation of Debian/Ubuntu waits for input

How long till a package shows up in the repository?

Equivalent to checkrestart for CentOS?

Where can I find a full list of wpa-* options for the interfaces file?

Monit daemon - error connecting to the monit daemon

Help me update the old rtirq-init script for Ubuntu?

Debian 4 binary i386 upgrade to latest Debian on a server

Why does Debian's PHP sessionclean script touch all open files first?

Unable to mount cifs share in fstab with spaces in share name

Libvirt has no KVM capabilities even though qemu-kvm works

Minimal Linux distribution with sshd and apt

Have you used Debian unstable/testing on a production/personal server?

How to switch from a custom Linux kernel to a distribution kernel

debian python2.6 as default?

Fixing "MySQL server has gone away" error

Difference between RPM (yum) and apt-get

Is it possible to make a USB port provide access to a file system?