Unable to mount cifs share in fstab with spaces in share name

Solution 1:

Replacing the spaces with \040 is actually the right way to do it.

The reason why it’s not working for you is probably because there are (forgotten?) quotes after /Restricted:

//servername.org.au/ABC/Company\040Services/…/Restricted"    /mnt/n-drive    cifs    id=0,credentials=/etc/samba/login.crt,iocharset=utf8,noperm        0       0

Change that to:

//servername.org.au/ABC/Company\040Services/…/Restricted    /mnt/n-drive    cifs    id=0,credentials=/etc/samba/login.crt,iocharset=utf8,noperm        0       0

(Note that I’ve shortened the path a bit for better readability.)

Background: 040 is the ASCII code for space in octal numeral system.