Setting a string in a body of httpResponse

I need help. In my current development one of the requirements says:

The server will return 200-OK as a response(httpresponse).

If the panelist is verified then as a result, the server must also return the panelist id of this panelist.

The server will place the panelist id inside the body of the 200-OK response in the following way:



   <ack cmd=”Init”>




Now I am able to put the httpresponse as


And I can put

String responseToClient= "<tdcp><cmd><ack cmd=”Init”><panelistid>3849303</panelistid></ack></cmd></tdcp>";

Now what does putting the above xml inside the body of 200-OK response mean and how can it be achieved?

You can write the XML directly to the response as follows:

This example uses a ServletResponse.getWriter(), which is a PrintWriter to write a String to the response.

String responseToClient= "<tdcp><cmd><ack cmd=”Init”><panelistid>3849303</panelistid></ack></cmd></tdcp>";


You simply need to get the output stream (or output writer) of the servlet response, and write to that. See ServletResponse.getOutputStream() and ServletResponse.getWriter() for more details.

(Or simply read any servlet tutorial - without the ability to include data in response bodies, servlets would be pretty useless :)