New posts in dconf

Configuring screen timeout/lock based on location

Upon system restart, dconf editor doesn't save changes

How do I backup all files? (.dbus and dconf backup problems)

Some keys are not detected in my keyboard (multimedia keys?) by either xev or xbindkeys or keytouch: how to detect them?

How to disable thumbnail generation?

Can I use dconf-editor to modify Gconf settings?

Disable gnome-screenshot's 'camera flash' animation

gnome-power-manager Shows Only Wireless Mouse Battery, no AC or Other Devices

What is the relationship between .gconf, .gnome2, .cache, .local, and other dot-file hierarchies in my home directory?

How to add a key to an empty schema? [closed]

How to store a dconf key as read-only?

How to disable mouse acceleration on ubuntu 18.04

How do I move Panel (Not Launcher) icons in Ubuntu Unity?

Are dconf schema names case-sensitive?

Ubuntu doesn't retain mouse cursor size between reboots

How to properly update / install / compile ibus on 14.04, dconf problems?

How do I dump all the manully altered dconf / gsettings keys?

How can I enable/disable Dash online results programmatically?

what has replaced dconf-tools for Ubuntu 20.04

Favorites disappeared from dock