New posts in curve-fitting

Fitting with ggplot2, geom_smooth and nls

Fitting only one parameter of a function with many parameters in python

3D curvefitting

Fitting a histogram with python

Python curve_fit with multiple independent variables

How to calculate the vertex of a parabola given three points

Fit a gaussian function

fitting data with numpy

How to make a piecewise linear fit in Python with some constant pieces?

How do I put a constraint on SciPy curve fit?

Python and lmfit: How to fit multiple datasets with shared parameters?

How to fix "overflow encounter in exp" when curve fitting data in Scipy?

scipy curve_fit doesn't like math module

Fitting a line in 3D

How to fit a smooth curve to my data in R?

Fitting a closed curve to a set of points

Linear regression with matplotlib / numpy

Fitting polynomial model to data in R

How do I calculate r-squared using Python and Numpy?

python numpy/scipy curve fitting