New posts in ctypes

list exported functions from dll with ctypes

How to convert pointer to c array to python array

Sorting list of string with specific locale in python

How to pass a 2d array from Python to C?

Callbacks with ctypes (How to call a python function from C)

How to catch printer event in python undefined symbol: PyFloat_Type in embedded Python loaded with dlopen

Why won't this ctypes code work with Python 3.3 but will work with Python 2.7?

python ctype recursive structures

Directly use Intel mkl library on Scipy sparse matrix to calculate A dot A.T with less memory

Can I access ImageMagick API with Python?

Python: SWIG vs ctypes

cytpes definition for Handle

What files are required for Py_Initialize to run?

How do I pass large numpy arrays between python subprocesses without saving to disk?

ctypes error: libdc1394 error: Failed to initialize libdc1394

How to pack and unpack using ctypes (Structure <-> str)

How do I set the desktop background in python? (windows)

How can I unload a DLL using ctypes in Python?

Changing LD_LIBRARY_PATH at runtime for ctypes