Callbacks with ctypes (How to call a python function from C)

import ctypes as c

@c.CFUNCTYPE(None, c.c_int, c.c_int)
def callback(a, b):
    print("foo has finished its job (%d, %d)" % (a.value, b.value)), a, b) # assuming a,b are ints

If you need stdcall calling conventions, use WINFUNCTYPE instead.

Note: if foo may store the callback to be called at a later time then make sure that Python callback is alive (it is enough if it is defined at the global level using the decorator as shown in the example -- modules are essentially immortal in Python unless you try to remove them explicitly).

Use CFUNCTYPE to create a callback type:

c_callback = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_int, c_int)(callback), a, b)