New posts in cryptography

Does the Riemann hypothesis guarantee that integer factorization is difficult?

Save and load crypto/rsa PrivateKey to and from the disk

Confusion about Modulus Multiplication and Exponents

C# SHA-1 vs. PHP SHA-1...Different Results?

Why does RSA encrypted text give me different results for the same text

Should I use an initialization vector (IV) along with my encryption?

Why can this cryptosystem be easily broken?

9-Bits Game, a Brain Teaser on Information Theory or Cryptography

What is discrete logarithm?

What is the difference between hash salting and noncing?

How securely unguessable are GUIDs?

How do you verify an RSA SHA1 signature in Python?

UEFI Encrypt disk on boot

How do I enable perfect forward secrecy by default on Apache?

java equivalent to php's hmac-SHA1

How to Generate Unique Public and Private Key via RSA

Storing passwords with Node.js and MongoDB

shorter php cipher than md5?

Did I understand /dev/urandom?

What is necessary to exchange messages between aliens? [closed]