New posts in convex-analysis

If a convex set $S \subseteq R^n$ contains no ray, can you show that it's bounded?

Why are convex polyhedral cones closed?

Why are convex sets assumed / defined to be subsets of vector spaces (and not of more general spaces)?

Proximal Operator of Spectral Norm (Schatten Norm) of a Matrix

Convex analysis: relative interior in finite and infinite dimension

Convex function with non-symmetric Hessian

Understanding the subdifferential sum rule

What Is the Difference Between Interior Point Methods, Active Set Methods, Cutting Plane Methods and Proximal Gradient Methods?

subdifferential rule proof

Strictly convex if and only if derivative strictly increasing?

Show that the Huber-loss based optimization is equivalent to $\ell_1$ norm based.

Show that $2^n>1+n\sqrt{2^{n-1}}$

Integral of an increasing function is convex?

Proximal Operator / Proximal Mapping for Composition of Functions

Convex function is proper when it has at least one finite value in the relative interior of its effective domain

Show that $\int_1^3f(x)dx+\int_{11}^{13}f(x)dx\ge\int_5^9f(x)dx$

Minimal spanning set ("conical basis") for 2x2 Hermitian PSD (positive semi-definite) cone?

Prove that every ray is a polyhedron

Find the dual cone $K^*_{m+}$ of $K_{m+} = \{ x \in \mathbb{R}^n \mid x_1 \ge x_2 \ge \dots \ge x_n \ge 0\}$

Proof that the set of doubly-stochastic matrices forms a convex polytope?