New posts in continuity

Is $\ln(x)$ uniformly continuous?

A function is said to be continuous. Can it still have vertical asymptotes?

Functions that are continuous only at two points?

Can a cube of discontinuous function be continuous?

Converse of compactness

Axiomatizing topology through continuous maps

for every convergent sequence $x_n$, $f(x_n)$ also converges. Does this imply continuity of f?

Condition for an additive function to be continuous

Riemann-stieltjes integral and the supremum of f

Show that the function $f = \frac{xy}{x^2 + y^2}$ is continuous along every horizontal and every vertical line

Suppose that $f:\Bbb R\to \Bbb R$ is continuous and that $f(x)\to 0$ as $x\to \pm\infty.$Prove that $f$ is uniformly continuous.

$f$ be a smooth function on real line , $f(0)=0$ , $f(x)>0, \forall x \ne 0$ and any $f^{(n)}(0)=0$ ; is $\sqrt f$ smooth?

Why can a discontinuous function not be differentiable?

Geometric intepretation of Holder continuous functions?

Example of a function differentiable in a point, but not continuous in a neighborhood of the point?

Understanding the proof of $l_2$ being complete.

Combination of continuous and discontinuous functions

Who gave you the epsilon?

Does there exist a continuous $g(x,t)$ such that every continuous$ f(x)$ equals $g(x,t)$ for some $t$ and all $x$??

Continuity of differentiable function $x^2\sin(1/x)$