New posts in conditional-statements

Makefile : contains string

Write conditional statement to identify dates within 1 year and greater than 30 days apart

What's the explanation for Exercise 1.6 in SICP?

How to use an array method as condition for if statement in Ruby

How do I conditionally combine some rows (but not others) in R data frames?

Conditional Count on a field

If conditions nested in for loop not executing

JavaScript - get array element fulfilling a condition

if one condition is satisfied it is not checking any other condition in if else

Angular 2 Pipe under condition

If condition in python not working properly over 2 dimensional array

How to check whether a str(variable) is empty or not?

Replacing values from a column using a condition in R

querying WHERE condition to character length?

How to merge one file with another with conditions on match across multiple columns in R

add new column based on two other columns with several conditions, character

How to have multiple if cases in a condition statement in Ant

Conditional with statement in Python

MySQL IN condition limit

Breaking out of a loop or continuing it under certain conditions (Python)