New posts in computer-architecture

How does a computer know which device is connected to the usb port?

What are "Instructions per Cycle"?

Difference between port mapped and memory mapped access?

How can I determine whether my processor is 32-bit or 64-bit?

How can computers calculate exponential math without overflow errors?

What happens when a computer program runs?

Why are there so many pins on a SATA power connector?

Why can't you have both high instructions per cycle and high clock speed?

Where exactly L1, L2 and L3 Caches located in computer?

How does the CPU write infomation to ram?

System where 1 byte != 8 bit? [duplicate]

Why do computers count from zero?

How do I interpret the specification of memory (RAM)?

What is the actual speed of SATA 3?

How can I determine if the current version of Windows is either 32-bit or 64-bit from the command line? [duplicate]

Why have CPU manufacturers stopped increasing the clock speeds of their processors? [closed]

How does a CPU 'know' what commands and instructions actually mean?

How to check my RAM configuration (Windows 7)?

Is a higher core count or higher clock speed more beneficial to a computer's performance? [closed]

Can some software physically damage hardware?