New posts in compactness

Is $[0,1] \cap \Bbb Q$ a compact subset of $\Bbb Q$?

Difference between closed, bounded and compact sets

Why a continuous function which goes $∞$ when $x→±∞$ has minimum value?

Show a non-compact embedding

Every compact subspace in a metric space is bounded and closed

Show that the set $M = \left\{ {x \in {\ell ^1},\left| {{x_k}} \right| \le \left| {{y_k}} \right|} \right\}$ is a compact subset of $\ell^1$?

Compact subset in colimit of spaces

Cartesian product of compact sets is compact

Theorem of Arzelà-Ascoli

Continuous bijection between compact and Hausdorff spaces is a homeomorphism

How to show that this set is compact in $\ell^2$

$X$ compact metric space, $f:X\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$ continuous attains max/min

A compact Hausdorff space that is not metrizable

Prove the map has a fixed point

How to show that $[0,1]^{\omega}$ is not locally compact in the uniform topology?

Product of paracompact and compact spaces [duplicate]

Intersection of finite number of compact sets is compact?

How to prove a continuous bijection on a compact set is a homeomorphism? [duplicate]

Uniqueness of a homomorphism in a projective limit dynamical system; showing that a projective limit system is compact - Is my proof correct?

How do I show that O(n) is compact? [duplicate]