New posts in command-line

Error reading values from a batch file and printing them

Open built-in window by a command

'at' command intended behaviour? Launching each commands instead of scheduling

Ubuntu 20.04 shell loads slow because of "npm config --loglevel=warn get prefix" command

Naming file using content of terminal output

How to stop pressing ctrl+c from closing the gnome terminal?

Can i edit a bash shell command?

How do I set Terminal as part of my wallpaper?

Windows-to-Linux: Execute a shell script as user process (as bkgrnd) on remote machines

Update Xcode from 4.6.1 to 4.6.3 for Homebrew

How to make the command line history apply across all terminals

tar a directory

Change properties (privilege level) Command Prompt in Windows 7

Windows batch-file that continues after launching each program

How do I change a group policy setting via cmd?

Windows Batch File (WMI) - taskkill process based on memory usage

remove all letters after space in a line that start with specific character

Unable to boot into a iso image located on my SSD [duplicate]

Bash from scratch

How do I tell grep after piping from cat to only highlight numerals greater than 720, or perhaps, more than two digtis?