Can i edit a bash shell command?

I just wants to modify a bash shell command like exit so when i write exit in the terminal it clears the screen, and echo some text, wait 2 seconds, then execute the exit function.
So is there any way to modify a shell command on Ubuntu, if there is away how ?

You can use a shell alias

alias exit='clear; sleep 2; exit'

To make it permanent, add the alias to the bottom of the ~/.bashrc file. see this thread for help

I have found a workaround instead of editing the exit bash command,
trap 'clear; ~/; spd-say "Exit"; sleep 2' EXIT by using a trap to the exit in the terminal and i put it in the end of the .pashrc file and it works.
And the

echo -e "\033[01;31m"
echo " _  _   __   _  _  ____     __     __ _  __  ___  ____    ____   __   _  _  _   "
echo "/ )( \ / _\ / )( \(  __)   / _\   (  ( \(  )/ __)(  __)  (    \ / _\ ( \/ )/ \  "
echo ") __ (/    \\\ \/ / ) _)   /    \  /    / )(( (__  ) _)    ) D (/    \ )  / \_/  "
echo "\_)(_/\_/\_/ \__/ (____)  \_/\_/  \_)__)(__)\___)(____)  (____/\_/\_/(__/  (_)  "

I think the question i asked was a very bad one as it didn't reflect my thoughts but i won't change it nor the answer i just put this answer here for anyone who want it.