12.04 LTS - Recent update: Fails to boot with version 3.8.0-37 generic [closed]

I'm not sure what happened but last night when the new updates were released and Software center prompt me I installed and rebooted as normal. Everything on my system worked fine until the updates were installed and I rebooted. When I try to boot I am greeted with code flying down the screen and the message: "fixing recursive fault but reboot is needed". Then a trace is ran until my system locks up. The current Linux version is 3.8.0-37 generic.


I am able to boot by switching to a earlier version, but it seems like a ton of people are having this issue. I am able to boot with Linux version 3.8.0-36-generic but am still having issues booting into 3.8.0-37.

I encountered a similar problem and have seemingly resolved my issue.

Boot fail 12.04 on 3.5.0-47

I found that reinstalling ndiswrapper and then updating to 3.11 allowed me to boot without having to revert to older versions of Linux.

Only did this an hour ago. So if I encounter any hiccoughs, I'll be sure to update my post (link above).


I too just rebooted and 3.8.0-37 paniced during init for me, repeatedly. I finally picked 3.8.0-36 during boot in grub and it booted fine.