New posts in command-line

Extract a string from a line between positions given by a pattern in another line

How to check password strength [duplicate]

Is it possible to list only the filename and size for each file in a directory using only options found in the ls utility?

bash: syntax error near unexpected token '<'

How do I create an empty file (0 byte size) in all the directories?

Find and report line numbers of empty lines in text file

What does $(ls *.txt) do?

Searching line by line text between first two matches

Why git commit doesn't recognize --amend on git Windows?

Prevent zsh from trying to expand everything

How to show a caret-C in canceled command line in zsh, like bash does?

Windows command line ImageMagick percent escapes

Command Line for Final Cut Pro Import?

How can I get diff to show only added and deleted lines

Mac "command" to change the background color in a terminal

Get output of a CMD command and set it to a batch variable

Windows Remote Desktop - mstsc - options and switches

UNC Path to photos on iPhone on Windows XP

how do I fix these error ? $'\r': command not found in WSL [duplicate]

How to terminate cleanly another session left running?