Command Line for Final Cut Pro Import?

I'm one of the creators behind CommandPost.

CommandPost is a free and open source Mac application that allows you to seriously speed up your creative editing process through powerful and customisable automation tools. Think Apple’s Automator, with a little bit of BetterTouchTool and Keyboard Maestro thrown in, but specifically designed for creative professionals. It's a fork of Hammerspoon - and everything is scripted in Lua.

The way we get files into Final Cut Pro using our watch folder functionality is via the Pasteboard. We copy the file path to the pasteboard, then trigger a Paste operation in Final Cut Pro. Here's a link to the specific code:

You can control CommandPost via Lua-based plugins, AppleScript, URL and Terminal commands - so you could definitely work out a way to do this at a specific time rather than via Watch Folders.

We have a fairly active Facebook Group, and you're also more than welcome to contact us via the details on the CommandPost site.

Hope this helps!

You might want to check out CommandPost which has a Watch Folders function. I've never used this software, so I'm not sure of its full capabilities. It may be a good place to start.

Disclaimer: I have no financial or personal ties to