How to string together ConcatMaps and keep track of data

I have the following code

   from( => a.ProcessAction == ProcessAction.Capture)).pipe(
      concatMap(x => {
//this calls my first endpoint which requires data which must wait until the last call is done before calling
        return this.stripeService.capturePaymentIntent(x.PaymentIntentId, Math.floor(x.AmountToCharge * 100));
//this calls the second endpoint which must execute after the first and requires data from the first
      concatMap(y => {
        return this.orderService.createCashFlow(cashFlowRequest)
      next: (response) => {
        //The response data will have an order number so I can query the original data to alter it as I need => a.OrderData.OrderNumber == response.OrderNumber).forEach(original => {
          original.StripeData!.PreAuthAmount = 0;
          original.StripeData!.Status = 'succeeded';
          original.Message = '';}
      error: (err) => {
        //each of the endpoints throw different errors and I don't have access to the order number in one of them so can't query the ordignal query = err;


So my question becomes how to I pass the original data from the original observable I created throughout the calls. Is there a better way to string my concatmaps together or to call sequential synchronous endpoints in Angular?

I have a list of urls I need to call, so I create observables from those with from() I then want each of these URLs to be called asyncronously so I use pipe and on the observable call concatMap to call the first endpoint. I then call concatMap again on the response from the first one and return that. I then subscribe to my observable which only has the result from the last endpoint.

I'm new to all this so any help is appreciated!

Edit: Just to make it clear it is which I created the original observable from that I want to alter in the error response.

Instead of relying on concatMap to nest your calls, use pipe to ensure sequential calling of service methods and availability of all previous observable values:

    switchMap((paymentId) =>
        switchMap((intent) =>
            tap((cashFlow) => {
              console.log('Payment ID: ', paymentId);
              console.log('Payment Intent: ', intent);
              console.log('Cashflow: ', cashFlow);
