New posts in clash-royale

What happens when you receive a trade token while your inventory is full?

How is the shop affected by being above the demotion threshold but below the promotion threshold of the arena you were in?

What cards are rarer than epic?

What cards are not included on clan war in Clash Royale?

Problem in moving Clash Royale account from android to iOS

Does Super Magical Chest replace the expected chest from the cycle?

When is the Chest's Loot determined?

Should I request epic cards on sundays if I don't have one to upgrade in my deck?

Can't trade or accept trades

Are player participants notified if their battle gets on TV Royale?

What happens if 2 players destroy each other's arena towers at the exact same time during overtime?

Clash Royale chest problem

Once demoted to a lower arena, then promoted back, will the arena offer return?

Why did I get a Legendary Card from an arena of a higher level?

What determines the amount of trophies you win from a battle?

Randomly losing trophy points

Why did I encounter cards from a higher arena from my opponent?

Do higher Arena chests contain any lower Arena Rares and Epics?

What troops can counter a Giant Skeleton?

Is there a way of getting a super magical chest or a legendary in Clash Royale?