Can't trade or accept trades

My king is level 8, I'm in arena 12, and I have one of each trade tokens but I can't trade or accept trades. Can anyone help with that? Is there something I'm missing?

enter image description here

The following quantities are swapped in trades:

  • Common: 250
  • Rare: 50
  • Epic: 10
  • Legendary: 1

This means if you want to make an epic trade, you would need to have at least 10 of a single epic in your inventory to give away. Based on the screenshot, you have around 0 to 4 of each epic card, which is not enough to trade.

As for legendaries, according to the wiki... "Players cannot trade away the last Legendary card that unlocks it. For example, if a player's Miner is at level 9 with upgrade meter "1/2", they cannot trade it away." This means if you've only ever acquired one of a particular legendary, you cannot trade it.